Wednesday, January 04, 2006


by teresa
Every night when I put the boys to bed, I make sure the room is spotless. Every toy put in it's place! Hamper emptied! Boys tucked in! But something happens after I walk downstairs. How do I know this? Because, when I finally go up to bed a few hours later, and go in to check on the boys one last time. There is stuff everywhere! It's like they have secret parties at night, inviting all the other kids from the neighborhood once I go downstairs. I don't hear these parties....or see lights from theses parties. But they happen! The remnants are left for me to find. Last nights party mess was (now was spotless when I left it) uno cards (all over the floor and under the bed), nerf dart gun (dart stuck to picture on wall), camcorder (nick got one for christmas), empty water bottle, 2 milkduds on the desk(milkduds...where in the world did milkduds come from?), and an empty baggie (looks like it has cheezit crumbs in it), and 3 little matchbox cars (lined up by the I can step on them in the dark..OUCH!). Now you tell me....doesn't that sound like that makings of a fun party?


Anonymous said...

Milkduds....Nanny Jackie.
But you didn't hear it from me.

Anonymous said...

Gee let me guess who busted on me ... uh ... George ??? Amazing all this happened without Teresa hearing it ... she definately has that Mom annointing ... hears all ... sees all.