Saturday, February 25, 2006

My day

by teresa
I had a great day today! Slept until.....are you ready for this......10:15!! Chris got up with the boys and I just stayed in the bed. It was soooo nice. Can't remember the last time I did that. I got up, showered and dressed. Came down and read the paper and watched tv with Chris. Then I went to the mall. I never get to go shopping by myself. Chris had told me one of the women at his work said Hecht's was having a great sale. So I went to Hechts and shopped for a few hours. Mom met me over there and we got to spend some time together. Walking...talking and shopping! We hardly ever spend time alone together (eventhough she lives right next door). Our lives are very busy...and all the kids are usually around. I got home around dinner time (I brought food home with me). I bought Nick and Chris a couple pairs of pants. And I got the boys some sneakers. I also got this book I have been wanting at Heaven and Earth. After dinner we drove out to CarMax to look at a car for Lauren. We saw a perfect one for her....but we are praying about it before we make that leap. Now we are home and the boys went right up to bed. Chris and I will veg out on the couch and watch some college basketball (yipee :) Every once in awhile you need a day like this just to recharge your mind. Even if it does only come about twice a year.

Just a side note: It's funny how you are still on MOM MODE even when your kids are not with you. You say you want to be free....but I still find myself making silly faces at babies...talking to toddlers...stopping to tie someones shoe...keeping an eye on a kid that is wandering off from his mommy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed spending time with you. It made my day so special. I'm so glad you called to let me know where you were so that I could join you. I love you.