Wednesday, March 29, 2006


By Chris

I like to think that I'm a pretty young, hip dad. We were such younger parents than most, that the youthful self-image has just sort of sunk in, I guess. Reality check! Last night we were wrapping up soccer practice. Following us onto the parallel field was a team coached by these guys who have worked in our leagues for several years. They're two young dudes . . . pretty hip looking . . . and we always comment how neat it is that these young men are out there coaching multiple teams . . . who always seem to be having fun. Somewhere in my head, I guess I was thinking "Hey . . . they're like me. Young guys enjoying working with little kids." As I was packing up last night . . . one of them addresses me, very sincerely: "Mr. Green . . . . " What? Who's Mr. Green? Coach Green . . . yes. Coach . . yes. Coach Chris. . . even better. Chris . . .that sounds young. But MR. GREEN. Ouucchhh . . . a hit to the self image! Am I really MR. Green now? No way. So, I broke out some old pictures and awards this morning that I keep at the office. Turns out, between basketball and soccer, this is something like the 16th team I've coached. How did that happen? Some of those first little girls I coached are now getting ready for college. OH MYYY. I guess I am Mr. Green.


Anonymous said...

Thanks ... how do you think MR. Green's Mom feels??

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Jackie, but we're really young grandmothers. Let's just hope Lauren waits a long time before making us GREAT grandmothers.

Anonymous said...

You need to get a title that isn't age senstive.... like Pastor!