Monday, April 24, 2006


by teresa
Well, we have made it through kid hell....and I hope we don't return there anytime soon. Now they are the teachers problems :) Actually, the morning was pretty uneventful...which is nice. Nick got up SUPER early. It seems that the safety patrol captain of the fourth grade got there earlier than him last week...and took it upon herself to pass out the sashes...MUTINY! Nick was not about to let that happen again. He even brought home a map of the school with each of the classrooms marked....and a list of all of his "underlings" and what homeroom they have. He coralated this data and created list of Patrolees/order of classrooms. To make his route more time efficient. This sooo cracks me up! When we pulled up infront of the school this morning(45 minutes before school begins) ...the other captain was getting out of her car too. I thought Nick would twist and ankle the was he was sprinting to enter the building before her. hee hee hee
Ben was ok to get up. Not great...just ok. At least he didn't fight and whine about "how soooo tired he is" while getting him dressed. He just pulled the "wet noodle" thing. Flopping around like a rag no help at all. and he was ginving me the silent treatment. He washed, brushed, got his shoes, jacket and bookbag on....and then laid down on the couch till it was time for the bus. I did ask him if he wanted me to fix him breakfast....he grunted at me. Which I took thank you mommy dearest...I'll eat at school today! When I told him the bus was coming he zipped out to the driveway (without even saying goodbye). the bus pulled away from the house..he turned and smiled at me and gve me the sign for I LOVE YOU (we do this to each other every morning). *sigh* My sweet little Benny has returned to me!
Lauren came down in her normal 17yr old ways. Stomping around leaving a path of destruction in her wake (have I ever mentioned that she is a total SLOB?). Grumping at you for breathing in the same room as her. Communicating in deep, mubling, gutteral growls. Then looking at you like your crazy for asking her a question a second(and third) time because....I JUST ANSWERED YOU MOM!
They are all at school...and I am off to run some errand....ALONE!! ahhhhhhhhh

To prove that the weekend wasn't a total are some pictures I took. The first is of Kristian and Ben singing in church Sunday morning. Kristian even had a solo (she is such a diva). Ben (over the shoulder of the boy in the sweater vest) look soooo thrilled to be singing praises to our Lord and Savior!

The next pictures are of Kai's (#22) soccer game. They didn't win...but we were so proud of him. He ALMOST scored his first goal (I have never sreamed so loud in my life)...and he played excellent!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm happy to hear you survived the weekend and am really impressed that you managed to maintain your ever present possitive attitude and sense of humor ... I so admire that about you (and Chris).