Tuesday, September 19, 2006

duty calls...

by teresa

I only have a minute to sit and chat with you this morning.

My son informed me....as I was dropping him off at school(literally as he was shutting the door to the car)...that his librian asked him to ask me if I could come in today and help her. I was like...Nick...why didn't you tell me yesterday? So I could have gotten up earlier and taken a shower? I usually don't shower until after they leave for school...so I was in no shape (or smell) to hop over to the library.
So I decided I would go around 10:00...so I could come home, shower and do a couple of things(sit on my butt and read my blogs) before I leave. Last time I was there....I got so caught up working....that I lost track of time and FORGOT BEN!!!!!!! I looked up and realized it was past time for his bus to be home. I'm such a bad mommy! Thank goodness Lauren had come home straight from school...so she went to the door when she hear the bus pull up. Then that knucklehead had Ben call me on my cell and pretend he was home alone and crying to make me feel bad. She ain't right! Today I will make sure to watch the clock!
Well...let me go. I gotta hit the I-10 by 10! (one of my favorite lines from Johnson Family Vacation)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy that you are able to work in the library. I could tell from talking with you that you're so excited about it. I know you will soon become indispensable to them.