Saturday, September 09, 2006

winning makes me HAPPY!

by teresa

We had an early morning today. Soccer practice at 9:00am. It was a great practice...the kids were on fire and that makes me very excited. The last 15 minutes of practice we scrimmaged another team. Katy and I turn into screaming maniacs when we coach. We actually ran into each other a couple of times running up and down the sidelines. A few times I actually looked down and realized I was about 15 feet in bounds...oops! I am usually a very calm, conservative, preppy little PTA mom. But you get me out on the field and I turn into some overzealous lunatic. And don't get me wrong...I'm not shouting insults or ridiculing the kids for errors. Quite the opposite actually. I am screaming out GOOD JOB...HUSTLE BABY, HUSTLE...DON'T BACK DOWN...YOUR AWESOME....GO TO THE GOAL...GO TO THE GOAL...GO TO THE GOAL! My throat is still feeling a little sore right now. But I think that is left over from the Indian River football game last night. It was amazing! Our team beat the defending state champs 31-28. A team who hasn't lost a game in like 3 years! Lauren and all the cheerleaders and all us fans were going crazy. It was also perfect football weather (finally). Actually a bit chilly....thank you God.
Today I plan on doing a little cleaning and watching some college football with the hubby.
Hope you guys are having an exciting Saturday.
Talk to ya later!

1 comment:

Zephra said...

I plan to do nothing...NOTHING!!! but I know that plan won't pan out. It never does.