Tuesday, October 17, 2006

I'm a scaredy cat

by teresa

I was thinking about taking the kids to the haunted maze and hayride in Va. Beach this weekend. Then I read MommaK's hayride experience. Now I am reconsidering.

I went to the haunted forest with some neighbors as a kid. It freaked me so bad I cried and peed my pants.

It's weird...cause I LOOOOOVE scary movies! The scarier...the better. But let someone jump out of a closet at me. YIKES! I will send out a scream so fierce....it will lift you from the ground and shoot you across the room. Seriously!

What about you guys?
Like scary movies?
What's your favorite?
Haunted hayrides, haunted forest, etc.?


Anonymous said...

I don't like anything scary. I would have been just like MommaK if I would have been on that hayride.

Kimberly said...

Oh...don't do it. But if you do - make sure and write about it ;-)

Watkins said...

I don't like anything scary - no haunted houses, forests, or movies for me. Can't sleep at night as it is.