Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Father Daughter Time

By Chris

Lauren and I were sent on a "very-highly-encouraged-by-mom" shopping trip last night. My daughter and I are very, very similar in a bunch of ways. One likeness is cutting sarcasm. Which, when directed at each other continuously, apparently sends the very non-sarcastic mom of the family into a little bit of worry. Plus, like-minded people can get on each others' nerves. We do that regularly too. But, it's all good. I think we "get" each other. And get over it quickly, too. Anyway, I guess all this led to the shopping-time-together intervention.

We both thought it was weird. But we went anyway. I'm glad we did. Lauren is not really a princess. I mean, she never has turned on the charm to get anything out of daddy. So, it was funny to watch her feel her way through an evening when dad was feeling generous. I dropped a couple of hints at our first stop to show I might be open to picking up more than just work clothes. She awkwardly picked it up. "So, I guess I could use a purse," she said at one point. "Look, Old Navy. I forget that's here," (her way of saying "oh, please daddy take me to Old Navy and buy me some pretty clothes") She also put out this thought about stopping at Old Navy, rather than heading home: "You want to spend enought time to get full credit." That, of course, would be full credit from Teresa for the bonding experience. Good point. To Old Navy we went. And bought jeans and a shirt. She did pretty well on the night, princess or not: 2 pants, 2 shirts, a purse and a pack of gum. And, Red Robin for dinner. Her fave. It was fun too. She doesn't express it well, but I think she appreciates the stuff she gets. Unlike her much younger brothers, Lauren can remember when we could barely swing the pack of gum treat! I mean, it was TIGHT, when she was little.

Teresa will be happy to know we didn't pick on each other much in our bonding time. Though we did have fun roasting some people who are commonly annoying to both of us. We almost always have the same feelings about people (celebrities, her brothers, man on the street, friends . . .whatever).

So, thanks mom. The night was a success. Yippee!


Anonymous said...

WOW ... thanks for sharing. I love reading about your family times ... it sure makes a Mom proud. You and Lauren really ARE a lot alike.

Gidget said...

You will definitely recieve FULL credit!



Anonymous said...

You wouldn't have gotten off so easy if you'd have taken Katy shopping. I guess that's why Jimmy has never done that before.

I think it's great that you had father and daughter time together. It won't be too long before Lauren is out on her own, so you'll look back on times like that and be glad you had them.