Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Hot, Sticky and Polite

By Chris

Been slack about my commitment to blog while on the road. So . . . I'm on the road. Charleston, SC. Attended an outdoor event. Hot, HOOOTTTT and sticky with a suit on. Sweat pouring. Lots of it. Charleston hot is different from other hots. It's instant stickyness when you step outside hot. I live on the water, but this is different. And the people seem to be proud of it . . . "It's July in Charleston .." they keep smiling and saying. And, it doesn't get them grumpy either. Everyone here is super duper nice and engaging, it seems. Parking lot attendant engaged me in a little conversation and thanked me very sincerely for parking in her garage. She counted my change very slowly, and calmly, and nobody in the line behind even beeped or anything. It's typical summer travel. Packed planes and delays. I've circled over Atlanta waiting for a spot to land for a combined 50 minutes this week already. All is good. Soooos sorry to miss Potter in the middle of the night ;))


Sterling Dawn said...

sounds so different from new york!

Anonymous said...

It's hard to imagine anywhere hotter and muggier than it has been here for the past couple of days.