Thursday, December 13, 2007

by teresa

I have a lot going on this week(MOPS party, wrapping party at church, Good news bible club pajama movie night, Christmas Blessing banquet, Ben's choir practice, neighborhood party/cookie exchange).
A lot of fun stuff...but still a lot of stuff that takes me out of the house.
Chris is finally back in town (he crept in while we we sleeping last night). But I will be out tonight and tomorrow night. I guess we will meet up again over the weekend :0)

Something remarkable has happened.
Ben has gotten up great all week!
Would you like to know my secret strategy?
An alarm clock. For him.
He loves it. And get this.....he sets it for even earlier than we usually got up. He likes to get completely ready (we pick out his clothes the night before) before my alarm wakes me up.
It's been wonderful.
And...he is ready so early that he has been getting in some reading before the bus comes.
Love it!
Except for the new book he's reading (The Book of World Records). With every page read he feels as though it is very important knowledge that he must share with me.
E v e r y p a g e !
Hey mom...did you know that the longest sea cave is in Oregon?
Hey mom...did you know that Mexico drinks the most coca cola?
Hey mom...did you know that the world's largest vegetable is a yam that weighs 150 lbs.?
Help me.

Oh yeah...I almost forgot.
Ben wants to see this movie when it comes out this weekend.

Do I have any volunteers?


Anonymous said...

Jackie has been saying for 2 weeks that she wants to see this movie. It sounds like a date to me!

Anonymous said...

I hope the novelty of the alarm clark doesn't wear off anytime soon.

George, Jackie and Ben...enjoy the movie. I would go, but I'm going to be busy with my Daddy.

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure George meant a date for Ben and me (not him :) Nick wants to go too.

Anonymous said...

Ill go too!! And KIm and Justin!

Anonymous said...

NO I WANT TO TAKE HIM! i want to see this. But only if you pay mommy. :)