Friday, February 15, 2008

"Amnesia used to be my favorite word, but then I forgot it.”

by teresa

Ben just ran to the bus upset. And for once it wasn't because he was too tired. He forgot to put on his "lucky" necklace before he came down for school. He got it for Valentine's day. It kinda looks like a dog tag. It has a basketball person on one side...and "with God all things are possible" on the other. He loved it and vowed to never leave the house without it. I will take it up to him on the way to grandaddy's this morning.

We have all been pretty forgetful around here lately.

My mom was frantically looking for her cell phone the other day. She had reached down to the holder and found it empty. She paniced. "Where could it be?" "I can't find it?" "I've looked everywere!" She was asking all these question to her friend Barbara....whom she was ON THE PHONE WITH AT THE TIME.

Then there's me. The other day I was talking to the boys. "I have been driving for almost 12 years." I said. That would make me 27yrs old. I am way beyond that. Then yesterday on the blog I said Chris and I have been together for 12 years(I already fixed it). What the heck? Lauren is almost I'm pretty sure I knew him longer than 12 years. Chris says I keep saying these things because I can't face the fact that I'm almost 40. I say it's because I suck at math.

Yesterday Chris was running around the house looking for his keys. "Who has my keys?" "Where could my keys be?" "Did you touch my keys?" "I need to go!!" My mom had walked in before she left for work. She saw him frantically looking. She said,"Your car is on and warming up in the driveway." He had gone out there to warm it up and forgot.

Lastly, Katy. Last week she lost one of the kids she babysits for. She noticed him missing from the pack and freaked. She ran outside (to make sure he hadn't escaped to the yard). She ran up and down the stairs. Crying and screaming and yelling his name. This room, that room. He was nowhere to be found. She looked at Kristian, who was giggling on the couch. "Help me look", she screamed. Kristian said, " mom....your holding him." Too funny! She had him up on her hip the whole time.

Three sweet old sisters live in a house together.
One Night the first sister draws a bath. She puts one foot in and pauses. She yells down the stairs, "Was I getting in or out of the bath?"
The second sister yells back, "I don't know. I'll come up and see." She starts up the stairs and pauses. Then, she yells, "Was I going up The stairs or down?"
The third sister is sitting at the kitchen table having tea, listening to her sisters. She shakes her head and says, "I sure hope I never get That forgetful."
She knocks on wood for good measure.
She then yells, "I'll come up and help both of you as soon as I see who's at the door."


Anonymous said...

I think we are just too overwhelmed with things to do and think about that our brains just go a little haywire occasionally.

Well I guess I'll go to work now. Oh yeah...I'm already here.

Sterling Dawn said...

HAHAHAHA!!!! that's a great story.

i too, do stuff like that all the time. especially when looking for my sunglasses.

Zephra said...

That was a good post. I remember once, I was looking for my sun glasses. I was quite upset because i can not drive without them. I started in on the kids about touching my things etc...and had gone on for a good 5 minutes before one of them mentioned I was wearing them on my head. They just let me rant the whole time.

Jackie Barham said...

What were we talking about?