Friday, March 07, 2008


By Chris

Spring has sprung. I have a week-long headache, body ache, congestion, runny nose, sneezy, itchy throat, tiredness to proove it. It's better if I don't go outside, but who can avoid going outside entirely? It's bad this year. I thought I had the flu for a minute. Everyone raves about Claritin D. I always balked at getting it because it is SOOO expensive. Like nearly $2 per pill. I gave in and got some. And, it wasn't easy. I guess they don't want you to get too much of the stuff, so I had to show some ID and put my signature on file to secure 10 of the precious tablets. And, .... they don't work. For me. Regular ol' cheap Benadryl did better. Any suggestions?


christincherie said...

Hey Chris,
For the congestion, get a Neti pot. It's a great way to breath easier. It irrigates your sinuses and gets out all that gunk without medication. It feels a bit weird, but Jesse and I use one when we feel stuffy, and it works better than any cold or allergy medicine. It's also supposed to be great for people with allergies to use on a regular basis to rinse the sinuses of pollen, mold, dust, etc.... They sell Neti pots at most drug stores. Happy irrigating!!

Zephra said...

I was going to say neti pot too. Seems to work well for anyone who uses it. Now where do we get one?

christincherie said...

I got mine at We wanted a stainless steel one, but most people just use ceramic or the plastic ones they usually sell at drugstores. I know for a fact they sell them at the Heritage Store off Laskin Rd.