Friday, May 16, 2008

by teresa

Red cup dancing
Lucy is her name.
The wind spins and twirls
Three days all the same.
Moves around the table
With leaves and a gum wrapper.
She stops on the steps
Waiting for a new partner.
It is quiet?
Clear and sunny, with no wind
She is gone for now
Will she come back again?

It was so windy a few days back. Everyone was at work and school and I was home doing this and that. For three days a red plastic cup (that had somehow been left out after our mothers day cookout) swirled around my back porch area. It made a constant rolling noise on the concrete. Not annoying...just there. No matter when I went to the back, there she was making a turn around the patio table. Then coming back to rest against the steps....waiting for another breeze to start her up again. I showed it to Lauren and she laughed. We stood at the back door and watched her travel around and around and around always coming back (no matter how far she was blown away) to the back porch steps. Lauren named her Lucy (because of the color of the cup). I was actually sad when I came down Wednesday morning and she was gone. Am I nuts?
It makes me think of Lauren. How she is here with us, through the laughs, tears, joys and annoyances. But someday soon (seeing as she is going on twenty) she will twirl off in another direction. Away from the shelter of my steps....whichever way the wind blows. I pray that God is her guide always. As she sails from one adventure to the next.


Anonymous said...

Just what I needed today...a good cry. I'm so glad you didn't go to far when you left home.

Lucy was on our pool cover last night but I don't see her this morning. She might have blown into the bushes. I'll have to look for her.

Anonymous said...

Go Lauren, uh Lucy, go!! ;))

Anonymous said...

I never knew a dagon red plastic cup would make me cry. Good Grief, now I know its not just me going crazy...its the whole dang family. haha!