Thursday, July 02, 2009

the prodigal son returns

by teresa

Nick comes home today after two weeks at church camp.
We have received a few texts from him and one call.
The call was regarding our 4th of July plans. I guess he was trying to secure a day where a grilled burger and some fun was on the agenda.
I am looking forward to his return...but not the laundry that he will bring for me. The smell of camp laundry is something special...isn't it? The union of B.O., skid marks and mud creates and interesting bouquet that only a mother can stomach.
Ben has spent the night out a few times Chris and I have been childless many nights. *bow-chica-waw- waw * That also meant Chris and I had our own rooms for a couple of nights. Heaven. He likes the radio on all night and I like the tv on (muted w/closed caption) till the wee hours. oh the joys of marriage.


Jackie Barham said...

Make that camp laundry that has aged for two week. AUGH ... the aroma will probably reach our house :) I was thinking we would like to see Ben some the past couple of weeks, but, he's always busy ... quite the social butterfly, that one.

Nanny said...

I miss Nick. After he gets cleaned up, send him over for a hug.