Thursday, August 16, 2012

what excercise gets rid of booty and not boob?

Can't wait till we leave for the outer Banks.  Need a change of scenery, preferably sandy and wet.
Ten days and counting!
Maya spent the night last night.  She begged, after Kaden and Kai each got to sleepover this week.
She ended up falling asleep on the couch around 11:00, after announcing moments before that she was staying up till 2:00am!
I made her, Nick and Ben, egg and sausage burritos and cereal for breakfast.  I ate an apple...gotta get bathing suit ready before vaca.
Actually, I am stuck for the past week at the same weight (down 38 pounds).  So frustrating.  I am thinking about getting a trainer.  Needing a little guidance on what to do to get different results.  I will call the y after vacation and see what is available.

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